Kindergarten Math Objectives |
1.1 Top, Middle, Bottom |
To describe and demonstrate the meaning of spatial relationships, top,
middle and bottom |
1.2 In, Out |
To describe and demonstrate the meaning of spatial relationships, in
and out |
1.3 Above, Below, Over, Under |
To describe and demonstrate the meaning of spatial relationships, above,
below, over and under |
1.4 Left, Right |
To identify and demonstrate directional words left and right |
1.5 Problem Solving Skill: Use a Picture |
To use the problem solving skill use a picture to solve
problems |
1.6 Sort by Color or Shape |
To sort and classify objects by color or shape |
1.7 Sort by Size or Kind |
To sort and classify objects by size or kind |
1.8 Make a Concrete Graph |
to make and interpret a concrete graph |
1.9 Problem Solving Strategy: Use Logical Reasoning |
To use the problem solving strategy use logical reasoning
to solve problems |
2.1 Movement Patterns |
To identify simple patterns of sound and movement |
2.2 Read and Copy Simple Patterns |
To identify simple patterns of concrete objects |
2.3 Copy and Extend Patterns |
To extend a simple pattern using concrete materials |
2.4 Predict and Extend Patterns |
To predict and extend patterns using concrete materials |
2.5 Problem Solving Skill: Transfer a Pattern |
To use the problem solving skill transfer a pattern to
solve problems |
2.6 Understand a Pattern |
To identify a pattern unit |
2.7 Create a Pattern |
To use concrete objects to create a pattern |
2.8 Problem Solving Skill: Use a Pattern |
To use the problem solving skill use a pattern to solve
problems |
3.1 Equal Groups |
To use one-to-one correspondence to identify equal groups |
3.2 More |
To use one-to-one correspondence to compare two groups and
identify which group has more |
3.3 Fewer |
To use one-to-one correspondence to compare two groups and identify
which group has fewer |
3.4 Problem Solving Strategy: Make a Graph |
To use the problem solving strategy make a graph to solve
problems |
3.5 One, Two, Three, Four |
To use groups of concrete materials to represent quantities to four
given in written or verbal form |
3.6 Five |
To model number in a variety of ways |
3.7 Zero |
To count, read, write, and compare the number zero |
3.8 Before and After on a Number Line |
To describe relative position in a sequence of whole numbers on a
number line |
3.9 Problem Solving Skill: Use Estimation |
To use the problem solving skill use estimation to solve
problems |
4.1 Six and Seven |
To use concrete materials, pictures, and numerals to show the
concept of numbers to six and seven |
4.2 Eight and Nine |
To use numbers and pictures to describe how many objects are in a
group |
4.3 Ten |
To use groups of concrete materials to represent quantities to ten
given in verbal or written form |
3.4 Problem Solving Strategy: Make a Graph |
To use the problem solving strategy make a model to solve
problems |
4.5 Before and After on a Number Line |
To describe relative position in a sequence of whole numbers on a
number line |
4.6 Writes Numbers 0 to 10 |
To read and write numerals to ten |
4.7 Missing Numbers |
To use symbols to represent missing or unknown quantities |
4.8 Problem Solving Skill: Use Data from a Graph |
To use the problem solving skill use data from a graph to
solve problems |
5.1 Sort Solid Figures |
To recognize, compare, and sort real-world objects or models of
solids |
5.2 Move Solid Figures |
To sort three-dimensional objects by varied attributes |
5.3 Problem Solving Skill: Use Visual Thinking |
To use the problem solving skill use visual thinking to
solve problems |
5.4 Sort Plane Shapes |
To know the attributes of circles, squares, triangles, and
rectangles |
5.5 Plane Shapes in Different Positions |
To use concrete objects to explore slides and turns |
5.6 Symmetry |
To use concrete materials to make symmetrical figures |
5.7 Equal Parts |
To use concrete materials to represent fractional parts of a whole |
5.8 Problem Solving Strategy: Make a Model |
To use the problem solving skill make a model to solve
problems |
6.1 Problem Solving Strategy: Make a Model |
To use the problem solving strategy make a model to solve
problems |
6.2 11, 12, 13 |
To use numbers and pictures to describe how many objects are in a
group |
6.3 14, 15, 16 |
To use numbers and pictures to describe how many objects are in a
group |
6.4 Forward and Backward on a Number Line |
To locate known and unknown numbers on a number line from zero to
ten or more |
6.5 17 and 18 |
To use numbers and pictures to describe how many objects are in a
group |
6.6 Problem Solving Skill: Use Data from a Graph |
To use the problem solving skill use data from a graph to
solve problems |
6.7 19 and 20 |
To use numbers and pictures to describe how many objects are in a
group |
6.8 21 to 30 |
To use concrete materials, pictures, and numerals to show the
concept of numbers to ten or more |
7.1 Count Orally Using a Hundred Chart |
To count orally to 100 or more using a hundred chart |
7.2 Count by 10s |
To count orally to 100 or more by 10s using a hundred chart |
7.3 Count by 5s |
To count orally to 100 or more by 5s using a hundred chart |
7.4 Count by 2s |
To count orally to 100 or more by 2s using a hundred chart |
7.5 Problem Solving Strategy: Find a Pattern |
To use the problem solving strategy find a pattern to solve
problems |
7.6 Counting by 10s and 5s |
To count orally to 100 or more by 5s and 10s using concrete
materials |
7.7 Even and Odd Numbers |
To use concrete objects to explore even and odd numbers |
7.8 Problem Solving Skill: Use a Model |
To use the problem solving skill use a model to solve
problems |
8.1 Penny |
To identify a penny and its value |
8.2 Nickel |
To identify and compare the value of a penny and a nickel |
8.3 Dime |
To identify and compare the value of a penny and a dime |
8.4 Problem Solving Strategy: Draw a Picture |
To use the problem solving strategy draw a picture to solve
problems |
8.5 Morning, Afternoon, Evening |
To measure the time of day as morning, afternoon, evening, day or
night |
8.6 Problem Solving Skill: Use a Calendar |
To use the problem solving skill use a calendar to solve
problems |
8.7 More Time, Less Time |
To identify which of two activities takes more time or less time |
8.8 Use a Clock |
To tell time to the hour |
9.1 Compare Lengths |
To use direct comparison to sort objects by length |
9.2 Order Lengths |
To use direct comparison to order objects by their lengths |
9.3 Indirect Comparison |
To sue indirect comparison to compare length |
9.4 Measure Lengths with Nonstandard Units |
To measure length using nonstandard units |
9.5 Problem Solving Strategy: Estimate and Measure |
To use the problem solving strategy estimate and measure to
solve problems |
9.6 Compare Capacity |
To compare and order capacities with nonstandard units |
9.7 Compare Weight |
To compare and order classroom objects by their weights |
9.8 Problem Solving Skill: Use a Picture |
To use the problem solving skill use a picture to solve
problems |
10.1 Make Concrete Graphs |
To display answers to simple questions by using a concrete graph |
10.2 Read Picture Graphs |
To interpret data exhibited in pictorial graphs |
10.3 Make Picture Graphs |
To display answers to simple questions involving two categories
using a picture graph |
10.4 Problem Solving Skill: Use Data from a Graph |
To use the problem solving skill use data from a graph to
solve problems |
10.5 Read a Tally Table |
To read and interpret a tally table |
10.6 Make a Tally Table |
To display the answer to a simple two-choice survey using a tally
table |
10.7 Chance |
To participate in activities dependent upon chance |
10.8 Explore Probability |
To identify when a given event is more likely, equally likely, or
less likely to occur |
10.9 Problem Solving Skill: Make a Prediction |
To use the problem solving skill make a prediction to solve
problems |
11.1 Problem Solving Strategy: Act It Out |
To use the problem solving strategy act it out to solve
problems |
11.2 Model Addition |
To use concrete objects to solve addition problems |
11.3 Addition Patterns |
To model and draw addition patterns |
11.4 Use Pictures to Add |
To use pictures to solve addition problems |
11.5 Add with Money |
To use objects to solve addition problems |
11.6 Addition Problems |
To use pictures to complete addition sentences |
11.7 Addition Stories |
To create and act out addition stories using objects |
11.8 Problem Solving Strategy: Make a Model |
To use the problem solving strategy make a model to solve
problems |
12.1 Problem Solving Strategy: Act It Out |
To use the problem solving strategy act it out to solve
problems |
12.2 Model Subtraction |
To demonstrate the effect of taking apart groups of objects |
12.3 Subtraction Patterns |
To model and draw subtraction patterns |
12.4 Use Pictures to Subtract |
To use pictures to solve real-world problems |
12.5 Subtract with Money |
To demonstrate an awareness of subtraction in everyday activities |
12.6 Subtraction Problems |
To use pictures to solve real-world problems |
12.7 Subtraction Stories |
To create and act out subtraction stories using objects |
12.8 Problem Solving Skill: Choose the Operation |
To use the problem solving skill choose the operation to
solve problems |